Wednesday, December 17, 2008


"Why do civilizations have laws?" I think that they have laws to obtain a sence of order or who is the leader. I also think some laws are made to make people not to do bad things because there is a punishment. The Babeloyn king, Hammurabi had very strict laws and Thats why I think he obtained order in his empire.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


This is what we worked on in health class and We had to post it on our blog........

Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Middle Easterns were better than the New Guneans

The Middle Easterns lived In a place many called the fertile cresent. The fertile creasent got its name because it had an Ideal number of tamable animals and because The land was perfect for farming.They grew 3 main food supplys. The Wheat, The Barley and the animals.

The new Guneans did not thrive as much beacause they did not have as many farm animals. They had pigs but the pigs were no use for plowing.
The Middle easterns had more species of animals and more crops.
The New Guneans had a special crop that Had to be planted into the ground. It lacked nutrition. Sometimes the farmers had to eat giant spider for nutrition.Where as the middle easterns could just sprinkle a bit of wheat onto the ground and the wheat would grow. The wheat had plenty of protein